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David M. Bastidas, Ph.D.
Prof. Chemical, Biomolecular, and Corrosion Engineering
University of Akron
Prof. David Bastidas is core faculty member and corrosion expert at the National Center for Education and Research on Corrosion & Materials Performance, NCERCAMP-UA (Akron, OH, United States). Currently, his scientific research activity is focused on Metallic Materials Corrosion and its Inhibition. He leads the research line in Corrosion Protection and Materials Performance. Prof. D.M. Bastidas gained his PhD in Material Science and Engineering as well as his BSc in Chemical Science at the Univ. of Barcelona (Spain). Distinguished with Top Researchers for 2020 by The Ranking of The World’s Top Contributors to their fields of Science.
Prof David Bastidas is the Trustee of The University of Akron AMPP Section, and Faculty Advisor of Corrosion Squad Student Association. Prof. D.M. Bastidas is the inaugural winner of the new ECS Corrosion Division Rusty Award for Mid-Career Excellence 2022, also he has been awarded the National Corrosion Award of Excellence in 2020 for his research and teaching achievements. In addition, Prof. D.M. Bastidas has been awarded the Outstanding Campus Advisor Award and Outstanding Faculty Engagement Award in 2022.